A play… Of the imagination

West coast dreams occupy my mind
I think about it all the damn time.
Wonder when ill get my money right
Stressing about how its all been so tight.
Had some fun for the holidaze
Now my passions been set ablaze.
Ready to set out and live my dream,
things here seem to just fall apart at the seams.
Always wanting to run away
Each and everyday…
But thats a cop out, is it not?
Ill never find whats sought,
If i never finish what i start;
Theres always so many different parts.
Waiting to see how things play out
Ive been thinking… and theres a lot of different routes.

An atomic wonderland

Its hard to tell where the edges
Of your body start, and mine begin.
In the essence of this magic our bodies have melded together.
In an atomic Wonderland.
Neutrons and electrons and protons alike,
Unite, in the beauty of being so close,
And so much a part of you and I.
Oh and how these waves of atoms dance between you and I
Forever across all spaces time.

Do We Have To Be Offended By Everything

Very insightful and thought provoking. Nice first read from this blog

The Belle Jar

You are a smart person and you pride yourself on your critical thinking abilities and general good taste.

You read or hear or watch something and find yourself smiling, nodding in agreement, maybe even laughing out loud. This, whatever this happens to be, is genius. Whoever created it somehow articulated exactly what you’ve been thinking but have never been able to put into words. Nothing has ever been more perfect.

You share what you’ve just read, heard or watched with your friends, expecting that they’ll be just as blown away by the insight and hilarity as you were. And some people do get it, so you high five to celebrate your mutual intelligence and awesomeness. But then a few of your friends start to voice misgivings, and then someone comes right out and says it:

This isn’t cool.

Here’s the thing – you’re not a bad person. In fact, you…

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